July 04, 2016


Pakistan’s biggest Wall of Kindness inaugurated in Lahore

By: Syeda Raza-e-Masooma

LAHORE: A lifeless wall near the Main Shadbagh Chowk in Lahore has been turned into Deewar-e-Meharbani or the Wall of Kindness.

This charity initiative was introduced first in Iran and later replicated in major cities of Pakistan including Lahore and Karachi.

With few hooks and a splish-splash of paint a regular-unattractive wall has been turned into a direct channel from the rich to the needy. This outdoor charity initiative allows strangers to leave goods - they do not need - for those who need them but cannot afford them.

The passersby are invited by the writings on the wall which not only allows the donors the satisfaction of being able to help the needy directly but also maintains the dignity of the poor and destitute who do not have to beg for their necessary needs like clothes and shoes.

Earlier, a similar initiative took place in Karachi where a wall of kindness has been established on M A Jinnah Road. Now the natives of Lahore have also stepped forward to join this noble deed.

The inauguration event was attended by the media community as well as some notable personalities of the city including the Lahore Deputy Secretary Aneeq Shah.

Public Relations manager of the deputy secretary told Daily Times that this wall of kindness in Lahore is the biggest of its kind in Pakistan and is being inaugurated on Monday, July 4. A few coats and jackets, some pairs of jeans and some traditional Pakistani clothes including Shalwar Kameez and some shoes can already be seen at the bottom of this new endeavor.

Courtesy www.dailytimes.com.pk

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