MPAC to Launch Campaign for Human Security
By Salam Al-Marayati

Today (Tuesday), we share with you an important campaign we’ve been working on. MPAC, with your support, will again fulfill its mission of engaging American Muslims in Government, Media, and Communities through an entirely new campaign. And by doing so, together we will again promote Islamic and American values of mercy, justice, peace, human dignity, freedom, and equality for all.
We are launching the Campaign for Human Security. The era of pandemic, protest, and political turmoil has revealed that the near trillion dollars spent on our national security has not kept our nation safe. There is more to keeping a population safe than the military alone. We are in dire need of a deeper, substantive human-centric solution for every American. We need Human Security NOW. MPAC, with your support, is leading the way there.
Human Security is a way of thinking about security that protects not just the state, but the people within the state. It is a sustainable approach to security which places the establishment of equity at its core.
 By protecting people from traditional military threats and nontraditional threats, like economic insecurity and global pandemics, human security complements and fortifies state-centric national security. Human security ensures every American experiences COMPLETE security. MPAC, with your support, will work to bring Human Security to every American.

This work couldn’t have been made possible without your support. Thank you for partnering with MPAC and for always caring about a better world. I invite you to visit Human Security NOW to learn, donate, and join the movement!




Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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