

Time to Be Brave and Steadfast
By Wasim Zaidi
Los Angeles, CA

The death of Benazir Bhutto has plunged our country into chaos and confusion. As of last night, mobs took to the streets and burned cars, smashed shops, looted, and raged. Every citizen is glum and looking for direction.
I think now is the time for us to be brave and steadfast.
Pakistan will not be defeated. The enemies of our country are many and they are clever; they would like nothing better than to see us sink into lawlessness and despair.
We must not let that happen.
Stay strong, stay positive, stay optimistic.
Take this time to pray, meditate, look after yourself and your loved ones.
Be determined that we will get through this.
Our nation is young and vulnerable. Such shocks would shake the greatest nation. When Kennedy was shot, the United States was devastated. It is normal to feel anger, depression, rage, confusion, sadness, and any and all other emotions at a time like this.
But we will move forward. We have to, if we want to survive. Keep remembering the difference between right and wrong, between violence and peace, between strength and weakness. Take time to reflect on what we're doing right and where we're going wrong.
Reject all forms of violence and strive for the middle path. Accept the kind words of others, who mean well, and who may even say the wrong thing because they lack the vocabulary to express their feelings. Reject the evil thoughts and bad vibes of those who are delighted when we suffer. But remain patient and calm and steadfast.
We will overcome, with God's help.
We will.
Happy New Year. May Peace and love be with us in 2008.



Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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